Xbox Player Loses 15-Year Account to Hackers: Games and Achievements Gone


Xbox Account Hijacked

A long-time Xbox player is devastated after their account, which they had for 15 years, was stolen by hackers. The hackers gained unauthorized access and changed all of the user's security information, leaving the original owner locked out of their account.

Games and Achievements Lost

As a result of the hack, the player has lost access to all of the games they purchased over the last 15 years. Additionally, they have lost all of their achievements, representing years of progress and dedication.

Xbox Unable to Recover Account

Despite contacting Xbox for assistance, the original account owner was unable to regain access to their account. Xbox explained that once security features are updated, they are unable to assist with account recovery.

Hacker Prevented from Making Purchases

Xbox was able to take action and shut down the compromised account, preventing the hacker from making purchases using the user's credit card.

The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication

Other Xbox players in the comments emphasized the importance of using two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure their accounts. 2FA adds an extra layer of confirmation, such as a code sent to a phone or email, to protect against unauthorized access.

Protect Your Account with 2FA

To enhance the security of your Xbox account, you can enable 2FA through your account's security settings. This additional step can help safeguard your games and personal information from potential hackers.

For more Xbox news, be sure to check out the 10 games coming to Xbox Game Pass in November.

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