Beat the January blues with ten free ways to boost your mood


DO you suffer from the Sunday scaries?

Some people will spend much of today feeling anxious about the week ahead — and this can be even worse in gloomy January.

Your mental health is important in the winter months

Switch your mood with these ten free activities

Make sure to pamper yourself

Put your weekend worries to bed with these ten free ways to switch your mood . . .  

1. Keep a gratitude diary

Keeping a gratitude diary where you record all the good things that have happened, however small, can give you a fresh perspective.

2. Get crafty

Why not craft your way to a more relaxed state of mind? Making a pom-pom, creating some art, or painting a pot will all take your mind to a different and calmer place.

3. Take a walk in nature

Walking in nature, noticing the sounds and smells, is an instant calmer. So get out there!

4. Build a bird feeder

Make a cheap and cheerful bird feeder. Find out how at Hang it outside your window and sit and watch your feathered friends.

5. Treat yourself to a pampering session

Instead of dreading Sunday evenings, turn them into a treat. Pamper yourself with a long soak in the bath, a few beauty treatments, and an early night.

6. Get lost in a book

Reading an engrossing book will take your mind to another place. Visit your local library to find a new bestseller and borrow it for free.

7. Declutter your schedule

If you’re daunted by the busy week ahead, check your diary to see what you can cancel or postpone and how you can build downtime into your days.

8. Plan midweek fun

Plan two fun things to look forward to midweek. Put your brain in the right place for Monday morning.

9. Try meditation

If you go to, you’ll find a free four-minute meditation. Take away the Monday fear by doing something you enjoy. Meet a friend or try something new.

10. Dance it out

Dancing is a proven mood booster and a great way to tackle stress. Build a boogie into your Sunday.

All prices on page correct at time of going to press. Deals and offers subject to availability.

Deal of the day

CLUTTER be gone thanks to the large Salcombe sideboard from M&S, which is down from £349 to £209.40.

SAVE: £139.60

Cheap treat

GIVE dry winter hair a treat with Elvive Extraordinary Oil shampoo, down from £4.50 to £2.25 at Sainsbury’s – and you don’t need a Nectar card.

SAVE: £2.25

Top swap

BRUCE The Boucle Sheep draught excluder, £28 from Next, is a cute way to stay warm, while the Country Club excluder from Debenhams £16.50, is another fluffy, but cheaper, breeze blocker.

SAVE: £11.50

Shop & save

WARM up with six 400g cans of Heinz Tomato Soup for £4 at B&M, down from £5, and buy two packs for £7.50.

SAVE: £2.50 buying two


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