Easy Energy-Saving Hack Could Save You Up to £100 a Year – Just Move One Switch


A family-run double glazing business shares energy-saving tips

A family-run double glazing business has taken to TikTok to share all the hints and tips you could use this winter. Richard, who works for Elmhurst windows, reveals how you can save money on your energy bills with some simple changes.

Turn Down the Temperature of Your Boiler

One simple way to save at least £100 per year is by turning down the temperature of your boiler. Richard suggests setting the combi boiler flow temperature to 60 degrees. This easy hack could make a significant difference in your energy consumption.

Other Ways to Cut Your Bills

In addition to adjusting your boiler temperature, Richard recommends other simple ways to reduce your energy bills. Turning down the radiators in unused rooms, using appliances less, washing clothes at a lower temperature, and closing curtains and blinds at night can all contribute to saving money.

33 Tips to Cut Your Bills

If you want to further reduce your energy bills, here are 33 additional tips to consider:

  1. Close curtains at night
  2. Use residual oven heat to cook
  3. Don’t open the oven when in use
  4. Block draughts
  5. Let food cool down before putting it in the fridge
  6. Insulate your loft
  7. Don’t overfill the kettle
  8. Don’t leave devices on standby
  9. Turn off lights when not in use
  10. Use your washing machine efficiently
  11. Use an air-dryer instead of a tumble dryer
  12. Only run your dishwasher when it is full
  13. Buy efficient appliances
  14. Monitor consumption levels with a smart meter
  15. Cook with a lid on
  16. Don’t use appliances unnecessarily
  17. Keep appliance filters clean
  18. Keep your fridge full
  19. Switch from baths to showers
  20. Wear clothes more than once
  21. Don’t run the water when brushing your teeth
  22. Don’t leave white noise on all night
  23. Use energy-efficient light bulbs
  24. Use reflective foil behind radiators
  25. Bleed your radiators
  26. Replace your old boiler
  27. Keep doors shut
  28. Purchase rugs for hard floors
  29. Use the microwave instead of the oven
  30. Bulk cook and freeze food
  31. Defrost food properly
  32. Use the correct hob
  33. Fix leaky faucets

By implementing these tips, you can maximize your energy savings and keep more money in your pocket.

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