Five Christmas Day Mistakes that Could Cost You Hundreds – and How to Avoid Them


Using the Wrong Kitchen Appliances

Cooking on Christmas Day can be costly if you're not using the right appliances. Consider using air fryers or microwaves for certain tasks, as they can be cheaper to use than conventional ovens.

Taking Lids off Pans

Don't forget to put lids on your pans while cooking. This helps to trap heat and makes the cooking process more efficient. Using a lid can save you money on energy costs.

Leaving the Christmas Lights On All Day

While Christmas lights add a festive touch, keeping them on all day can increase your energy bills. Save money by only turning them on when it gets dark or opting for timed or flashing lights.

Not Turning Off Unused Appliances

Extra appliances may be needed during the holiday season, but make sure to turn them off when they're not in use. Leaving them on can result in higher energy bills.

Using Your Fridge All Wrong

Properly utilizing your fridge and freezer can help you save money. Avoid overpacking your fridge, as this can make it harder to keep food cold and increase energy usage. Also, make sure to keep vents clear and place your appliance in a well-ventilated area.

How to Save Money on Energy Bills

Energy bills have fallen recently, but they're still higher compared to a few years ago. To save money, consider buying energy-saving gadgets or applying for the Household Support Fund (HSF) for financial assistance. Additionally, some energy companies offer incentives for reducing energy usage through the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS).

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