From a clever Labrador to a howling collie cross – your pet queries answered


Meet Sean, the vet who can help keep your pets happy and healthy

Sean McCormack, the head vet at tailored pet food firm, has been answering pet owners' questions for ten years. He's here to help with any concerns you may have about your furry friends.

Can dogs tell the time? Sean weighs in

A reader named Kate Armitage asks if her five-year-old Labrador Molly can tell the time, as she seems to know exactly when it's time for walkies, when Kate is coming home from work, and when dinner is. Sean explains that dogs' behaviors can be explained by their heightened senses and routine cues.

What do Guinea Pigs like to do? Sean has the answer

Pippa Turner wants to know what Guinea Pigs enjoy doing, as she's getting two for her family. Sean advises creating a complex environment for them, with plenty of space and environmental enrichment. He also mentions that Guinea Pigs are highly social animals, so getting a pair is important.

Helping a howling collie cross cope with grief

Gill Garnet is concerned about her 14-year-old collie cross Poppy, who has been howling at night and showing signs of decreased appetite and motivation. Sean suggests that Poppy may be experiencing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction and recommends a full exam by a vet to rule out any underlying issues.

Why won't Chairman Meow drink water unless it's fresh?

Steve Black's cat Chairman Meow refuses to drink water from his bowl unless it's freshly poured. Sean explains that cats often prefer fresh or running water and suggests getting a cat drinking fountain to cater to Chairman Meow's preferences.

Star of the week: Callie the poodle

Callie the poodle is supporting her owner, Ann Robertson, as she undergoes treatment for liver cancer. Ann praises Callie for her loving and supportive nature during her cancer journey.

How to ease pets' firework fright

With Bonfire Night approaching, experts offer tips for helping pets cope with the loud noises and stress caused by fireworks. suggests providing self-soothing activities for dogs, like using a Lickimat or tough chews. Cats Protection advises keeping cats indoors, providing a safe and elevated space, and using background noise to drown out the sound of fireworks.

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