From a dog scared of cars to best pet for children – your pet queries answered


Expert Advice on Pet Dilemmas

When it comes to pets, sometimes we have questions that need expert answers. Meet Sean, the head vet at tailored pet food firm, who has been helping pet owners with their queries for a decade. From choosing the right pet for your children to managing pet behavior, Sean has the answers.

Helping a Fearful Pup

Q: My labradoodle is scared of cars. How can I help him overcome this fear?

Sean advises practicing behavioral modification techniques, including habituation and response substitution. It's essential to gradually expose your pup to car sounds and sights, associating them with positive experiences like treats. Seeking help from a qualified animal behaviorist is recommended.

Debunking Pet Care Myths

Q: Do pets really need extensive medical treatment nowadays?

Sean explains that while some pets remain healthy without much intervention, advances in nutrition have shown to improve pet health and longevity. However, overbreeding for aesthetics in certain breeds can lead to genetic health issues. Proper care and attention to nutritional needs are crucial for pets' well-being.

Choosing the Right Pet for Kids

Q: Gerbils or rabbits for young children?

Sean suggests guinea pigs as the best option for kids, as they are gentle, entertaining, and less delicate than rabbits. Guinea pigs are social animals and can be kept in pairs or groups to prevent loneliness.

Managing Cat Behavior

Q: How can I stop my cat from walking on kitchen surfaces?

Sean recommends using deterrents like crumpled paper or citrus sprays on countertops to discourage cats from jumping up. Avoid rewarding the behavior to prevent it from persisting and refrain from punishing your cat, as it may not be effective.

Star of the Week: Daisy

Meet Daisy, a homeless cat who showed immense bravery while trying to save her kittens. Daisy is now looking for a forever home where she can enjoy a peaceful retirement after a tumultuous past. She's described as a sweet-natured companion waiting for a loving family to adopt her.

Puppy Love vs. Marriage

A recent study reveals that many see getting a puppy as a greater commitment than marriage. The responsibilities of caring for a young dog are believed to help individuals assess their readiness for parenthood. Joint dog ownership is seen as a significant sign of commitment, testing qualities like patience, attentiveness, and adaptability.

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