How to Find Five Minutes of Calm Every Day During the Busiest Season


Feeling Overwhelmed?

With the festive season upon us, it's easy to feel overwhelmed with all the work, forced cheer, hangovers, and sleep deprivation. But don't worry, we've got you covered. Joanne Mallon, author of How To Find Calm In Five Minutes A Day, shares her tips on finding moments of calm amidst the chaos.

Remove the Guilt

Mallon suggests removing any guilt around "me-time" and thinking of it as essential "recharging time." Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others.

Make Stress-Management Stick

Habit stacking is the key to making stress-management tools stick. Mallon advises hooking your new habit onto something you already do every day, such as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Keep it simple and short.

Micromanage Yourself

Break down your tasks each day to progress stress-free. Focus on one main thing you want to get done and break it down into small actions. Don't be afraid to drop tasks that aren't essential.

Create a Worry Window

Acknowledge your worries and give yourself a five-minute worry window in the evening. Set a timer and actively address your concerns. This will help you feel more in control and able to deal with challenges.

Nibble on Dark Chocolate

Add magnesium-rich foods, such as dark chocolate, nuts, avocado, seeds, bananas, and tofu, to your diet. Magnesium is linked to reducing stress and anxiety.

Look to the Sky

Take a moment to appreciate the calming effect of the color blue. Start your day by looking at the sky and wearing blue clothing. Lighter shades of blue can also help improve concentration.

Listen to Mozart

Classical music, including Mozart, has been found to improve mood and lower blood pressure. If classical music isn't your thing, create a playlist of songs that make you feel calm or bring happy memories.

Dial Down on Phone Use

Set boundaries with your phone. Turn off app notifications and mute busy group chats. Put your phone in another room when reading or an hour before bedtime to minimize distractions.

Find a Calm Corner

Create a dedicated area in your home that is clutter-free and comforting. Fill it with items that bring you peace, such as a blanket, candle, or hot-water bottle. If you don't have space at home, find a calming place near work.

Focus on the Good

Practice gratitude daily to feel more positive, even in tough times. Take a moment to appreciate the small things, like a cuddle with your pet. Consider using a meditation app and keeping a gratitude journal.

Stick to Your Boundaries

Make a list of the people you genuinely want to catch up with before January. Be selective about what you take on and learn to say no without over-explaining or apologizing. Stick to your boundaries and prioritize your well-being.

Remember, finding moments of calm during the busiest season is essential for your overall well-being. Take the time for yourself and enjoy the holiday season with a sense of peace and tranquility.

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