I bought a fixer-upper house without seeing it and it turned out to be a disaster


A NIGHTCLUB promoter made a regrettable purchase at an auction when he bought a house without viewing it first, only to discover a nightmare inside.

Paper-thin walls and a nasty surprise

Martin Tulip, the buyer, captured his shocking visit to the property on video, revealing just how bad the conditions were. The walls were so thin that he could easily burst through them, and the floor was covered in filth. The bathroom was especially grim, with a dirty floor, an uninviting bath, and a toilet covered in brown filth.

Turning the situation into a joke

Despite the dire conditions, Mr. Tulip, a nightclub owner and promoter, seemed to find humor in the situation. In one video, a man dressed in a forensic-type outfit is seen cleaning the toilet in a lighthearted manner.

Cautionary tale for house hunters

While auctions can be a great opportunity for house hunters to find bargains, there are risks involved. Experienced property developers know how to identify genuine bargains at auctions, but first-time buyers should always conduct thorough checks before making a purchase.

Andrew Parker, managing director of SDL Property Auctions, advises that auction properties are not always cheaper than those bought through other avenues. It's important for buyers to weigh the pros and cons before diving into an auction.

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