Over 7.4 Million Brits Struggling with Bills and Repayments – How to Get Help


Financial Strain Across the UK

More than 7.4 million people in the UK were struggling with bills and repayments in January 2024, with single adults with children and those in the north east feeling the pinch. This marks a slight improvement from 2023 figures.

Don't Ignore the Issue

Utility bills, credit card bills, and council tax payments are commonly missed, but burying your head in the sand won't help. Reach out for support to avoid making the situation worse.

Seeking Help and Advice

Various organizations, such as Citizens Advice and StepChange, offer free support and guidance to help you manage your finances. Benefit calculators can also help you uncover potential entitlements to extra cash.

Government Support Available

The Household Support Fund provides aid to those in need, distributed by local councils. Additionally, Discretionary Housing Payments can help with rent struggles for those on housing benefit or Universal Credit.

Stay Informed

Be aware of key dates for benefit changes and join money-saving groups for tips and advice on managing your finances effectively.

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