Pet Owners Rave About Affordable Gadget That Keeps Pets Entertained


Cheap and Cheerful

Pet owners are going wild for a budget-friendly gadget found at B&M that is keeping their cats and dogs entertained for hours on end. The trendy toy, which can rotate 360 degrees, also doubles as a food dispenser.

Interactive Fun

All you have to do is fill the slow feeder toy with your pet's favorite snack, and watch as your furry friend pounces and moves the wheel to catch the treats. The toy can even be attached to the wall for added fun!

Genius Design

This Ferris Wheel Treat Toy, available for just £3 at B&M and also on Amazon, releases edible treats as it rotates, keeping pets engaged and entertained. The retailer suggests using interactive games to challenge your pet's mind and keep them mesmerized.

Rave Reviews

Thousands of pet owners have already shown their love for this innovative toy, with many sharing their excitement on social media. Comments range from "Stanley would love this" to "I need this for Rex" and "My dog would go crazy for this!"

Fast Food Fun

Some users even mentioned that the feeding toy can help their pets eat quickly, with one saying, "I bet he would get all the treats out quickly," and another sharing, "My cats were too lazy for it, but it's a great idea!"

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