Savvy Mum Saves £1,000 on Christmas Shopping by Going Second-Hand


Mum-of-Two Shares Her Secrets

A savvy mum has revealed how she has managed to save a whopping £1,000 by doing her Christmas shopping completely second-hand. With prices rising, more households are turning to charity shops and pre-loved marketplaces to find affordable gifts. Jess Potter, a mum-of-two from Cardiff, has been buying second-hand for the past two years and swears by it. She and her fiance run their own pre-loved marketplace platform and are passionate about the environment. But saving money is the second biggest driver for them. This year, they have challenged themselves to find even better gifts and home decor for less.

Quality Gifts for Less

Jess estimates that a usual Christmas would cost around £300, with most of the money spent on presents and decorative items. However, by shopping second-hand, she has been able to significantly reduce this cost. For example, she found a gold chain necklace, originally priced at £400, for just £50 on eBay. She also picked up kids' toys, such as Magna Tiles, which had cost the seller £300 to collect, but she bought them for just £70, saving £230. Other bargains include frying pans and a children's bike.

Making the Festivities Second-Hand

Jess doesn't stop at gifts and toys. She is fully committed to second-hand festivities. For instance, she stumbled across a giant bin liner full of Christmas tinsel for just £1 at a car boot sale. On Facebook Marketplace, she found three stockings for £2. And she has even found Christmas jumpers in charity shops for a fraction of their original price. Jess embraces the challenge of finding unique and thoughtful gifts that suit the person she is giving them to.

Jess's Top Tips for a Second-Hand Christmas

If you're considering a second-hand Christmas, Jess has some tips to help you get started. Firstly, plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to find the right gifts. Look for inspiration on sites like John Lewis and then search for those items second-hand on platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Etsy. Check the quality and description of the item before making a purchase. And don't hesitate to buy something when you see it, as it might be the only one available.

By following Jess's advice, you can save money, reduce waste, and find unique gifts that your loved ones will cherish. So why not give second-hand shopping a try this Christmas?

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