Angela Rayner Criticized for Profiting £45,000 on Council House She Wants to Change


Labour Deputy Faces Backlash

Angela Rayner has faced criticism for making £45,000 from the sale of her council house, a property she acquired under the "Right to Buy" scheme in Stockport, Greater Manchester.

Defending Her Actions

Despite the scrutiny, Rayner defended her decision, stating that buying her council house in 2007 was a proud moment and that she followed all the rules to acquire it.

Plans for Change

Rayner, who is a Labour deputy, plans to review the 60% discounts introduced in 2012 for council property purchases, emphasizing the need for reform in the system.

Controversial Expenses Claims

This is not the first time Rayner has come under fire for her expenses. She was previously criticized for trying to charge taxpayers for expensive Apple AirPods, which she later repaid after facing public backlash.

Accusations of Hypocrisy

Despite her vocal criticism of government overspending, Rayner has been accused of hypocrisy for her own expenses claims, including luxury items and travel.