Failing on Migration: Former Minister’s Drastic Plan


Labour's Approach Would Be Worse

Former Home Office minister, Robert Jenrick, criticized Britain's handling of immigration over the past three decades as a "disgrace." He blamed the Tories for failing to address the issue and proposed a drastic plan to fix the problem.

Drastic Measures Proposed

Jenrick's plan involves detaining illegal migrants immediately and placing them in disused military bases before sending them to Rwanda. He emphasized the need for quick processing to address the long-standing issue.

ECHR Beyond Redemption

Jenrick called for Britain to quit the European Court of Human Rights and divert the aid budget to Defense to meet the GDP target. He also expressed support for sending planes to Rwanda as a deterrent for illegal migration.

Labour's Alternative

Jenrick warned that an incoming Labour government would worsen the migration problem. He criticized Keir Starmer's approach and emphasized the need for a tougher stance on border control.

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