An Etiquette Expert Reveals the Proper Way to Greet People


What is the correct way to greet someone new?

An etiquette expert who previously worked for the Royal Family has shared the proper way to greet someone new, and it's not the typical "how are you?" According to Grant Harrold, who served as the butler for King Charles and Queen Camilla at Highgrove House, the correct phrase to use is "how nice to see you."

The phrase the late Queen Elizabeth always used

Grant Harrold, known as Britain's leading "Royal etiquette expert," revealed in a recent video that the phrase "how nice to see you" was the one always used by Queen Elizabeth when meeting someone for the first time. He believes that if it was good enough for her, it's good enough for anyone.

Grant's role in the Royal Family

During his time working for the Royal Family, Grant Harrold served under both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on occasion. He now trains housekeepers in the UK as an etiquette coach and shares his advice on fine dining and manners through social media.

Other etiquette tips from Grant

In addition to sharing the proper way to greet someone, Grant Harrold has also offered advice on cutlery usage. He suggests using a knife to cut a smaller portion of a sandwich or burger for easier consumption, rather than trying to take a large bite. He also notes that using a knife and fork is the preferred method for eating burgers, unless you're like Fred Flintstone.

For more etiquette tips and advice, you can follow Grant Harrold on social media (@the_royal_butler).