13-Year-Old Boy Shatters 40-Year-Old Video Game Record


A classic video game that was once thought to be unbeatable has finally been conquered by a 13-year-old boy.

A Teenage Triumph

In an amazing display of skill, a 13-year-old boy has achieved what no one else has been able to do for four decades – complete one of the best-selling video games of all time.

Blue Scuti's game winning screen and high score world record.

Taking on Tetris

Known as Blue Scuti, this young gamer picked up the iconic game Tetris for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) just a year ago.

A Remarkable Achievement

Blue Scuti's score reached an impressive 1 million points within seven minutes of playing, but he didn't stop there.

Playing for a total of 40 minutes, he cleared an astonishing 1,511 lines and reached level 157.

A Historic Moment

Blue Scuti not only became the first person to ever beat Tetris on the NES, but he also set the highest score ever recorded.

However, as he reached the maximum limit possible, the game crashed, marking the end of an era.

Breaking the Impossible

While computers have completed Tetris before, it was widely believed that a human would never be able to achieve such a feat.

Blue Scuti's triumph has shattered that belief, proving that a human can indeed beat Tetris.

A Celebration of Victory

As the game crashed, Blue Scuti was overwhelmed with joy, becoming the first person ever to complete Tetris for the NES.

He immediately called his mother to share the monumental moment and received a well-deserved high five.

A Journey Continues

Looking to the future, Blue Scuti plans to keep playing Tetris and hopes to complete the game even faster.

He believes that with determination and hard work, anyone can achieve their goals.

A Tribute to Family

Blue Scuti dedicated his historic run to his late father, who passed away last year.

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