Call of Duty Server Issues: What You Need to Know


THOUSANDS of gamers are currently facing difficulties trying to join matches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Reports are pouring in about online play errors, leaving players unsure of how to resolve the issues.

Are Call of Duty servers down?

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 servers are not completely down, but players are encountering numerous errors. While some may still be able to enter matches with others, long loading times are to be expected.

How has Modern Warfare 3 been impacted?

One of the most common issues reported is players finding their characters reverted back to Level 1. Additionally, many are unable to access matches, the battle pass, or even log into the game. Some have experienced character resets to default settings.

Can users access Modern Warfare 3?

Players can still access Modern Warfare 3, but extended load times are a significant problem. Even if players manage to join a match, they may find their character reset to Level 1.

What is causing the Call of Duty outage?

Official sources from Call of Duty have not commented on the outage yet. It is speculated that an unintended server error is at the root of the problem, with developers working to resolve the issue. Players may have to wait several hours for the necessary fixes to be implemented.

If you're interested in more Call of Duty content, be sure to check out our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer review by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.