Discover the Secret PS5 “Load Trick” That Saves You Time and Gets You to Your Games Faster


Your PlayStation 5 (PS5) has a hidden feature that can help you jump straight into your games without any delays. By making a simple change to a little-known setting, you can bypass the usual screen for logging in and go directly to the PlayStation Home Screen.

Get to the Gaming Action Faster

Setting up automatic log-ins is the key to unlocking this time-saving trick. Instead of having to manually choose your profile when you start up the console, your profile will be automatically selected. This means you can dive into your favorite video games right away, saving you precious seconds every time you play. And as we all know, those seconds can really add up over time.

However, it's worth noting that this feature is most useful if you're the only user of the PS5 or if you only occasionally share the console with others. If there are multiple people using the console with different profiles, enabling Automatic Login may make it harder for others to find their own profiles.

How to Enable Automatic Login

To activate this feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. From your Home Screen, select Settings.
  2. Go to Users and Accounts and select Login Settings on the left.
  3. Toggle the Log In To PS5 Automatically setting to the on position.

According to Sony, this will automatically log you in to your PS5 when it's turned on. Just make sure Bluetooth is turned on for this feature to work correctly. If there are multiple users on your PS5, the last person to enable this setting will be the one automatically logged in.

A Bonus PS5 Trick

While skipping the log-in screen may save you time, it does come at the cost of losing access to another nifty PS5 trick. The log-in screen also provides an option to appear offline when you want to keep your gaming activities private.

To take advantage of this trick, follow these steps:

  1. Boot up your PS5 as usual.
  2. On the Welcome Back To PlayStation screen, press the menu button to reveal a hidden options panel.
  3. Scroll down and select "Appear Offline".

Now when you log in to your profile, you'll automatically appear offline, ensuring your gaming sessions remain discreet.

So, why waste precious gaming time waiting to log in? Use these handy tricks to maximize your gaming experience on the PS5!