Football Manager 2024: What’s New in the Next Game?


Football Manager's Headquarters: A Love for Football

Step into the Sports Interactive offices in London and you'll find employees proudly displaying their favorite club shirts. From Spurs to Arsenal, teams from around the world are represented. These developers are passionate about football.

FM24: More Than Just a Roster Update

We had the opportunity to try out an almost finished build of Football Manager 2024, and it's clear that this entry in the FM series is a game-changer. With the new era 'Project Dragonfly' set to launch next year, FM24 represents the culmination of everything the series has achieved so far.

What's New in FM24

The inclusion of the J-League marks a major addition to the game, coinciding with its debut in Japan. But that's not all – FM24 brings a host of smaller changes, including smarter transfers, market platform Transfer Room support, individual player targets, positional play, and set-piece coaches.

Choose Your Starting Database

In FM24, you'll have three options for your starting database: original, real world, and your world. Each option offers a unique gameplay experience, allowing you to begin with completed season transfers, last season's roster, or the ability to interfere with negotiations as they come your way.

Tweaks on the Pitch

While there aren't many noticeable changes on the pitch, FM24 introduces set-piece coaches and improved pre-match animations. These small additions enhance the gameplay experience and give you more control over your team's performance.

Improved Graphics and Physics

FM24 features new pre-match animations, improved ball physics, and more responsive lighting that reflects the time of day. The game's visuals are more polished than ever, further immersing you in the world of football management.

A Stop Gap Before Project Dragonfly

While fans eagerly await the launch of Project Dragonfly, FM24 serves as an exciting stop gap that offers more than just a roster update. It's a must-play for football enthusiasts looking for a fresh experience.

If you're interested in other football games, be sure to check out our review of EA Sports FC 24.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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