Must-Have Accessories for Your PlayStation 5, According to a TikTok Gamer


Spare Controller

If you were lucky enough to get a PlayStation 5 for Christmas, gamer @dylansdialogue on TikTok has some recommendations for essential accessories. According to Dylan, everyone who gets a new console needs to buy a spare controller. Whether you're playing split-screen multiplayer or enjoying single-player games, having a charged controller ready to go is a game-changer.

Charging Stand

Dylan also suggests getting a charging stand for your controllers. Charging cables can become a tangled mess, so having a stand to keep everything organized is a must. Dylan mentions that there are affordable options available on Amazon, so you can choose one that suits your needs.


Next on Dylan's list is headphones. Not only are they essential for talking to friends online, but they also allow you to fully immerse yourself in the sound design of games. And if you're playing late at night, they can help you avoid waking up your significant other.

PlayStation Media Remote

If you use your PS5 for streaming TV content, Dylan highly recommends the PlayStation Media Remote. It may seem like a lazy choice to some, but for Dylan, it's absolutely essential. Having the remote handy allows for easy switching between platforms like Netflix and YouTube without having to navigate through menus.

So, if you're looking to enhance your gaming experience with your new PlayStation 5, consider adding these four essential accessories to your setup. They'll make your gaming sessions smoother and more enjoyable.

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