PlayStation Fans Excited for New PS5 Slim Model with Exciting New Feature


Sony has just unveiled a new PlayStation 5 model that has fans buzzing – the PlayStation Slim. This new version is not only much smaller and lighter than the original, but it also comes with an exciting new feature that has gamers eager to get their hands on it.

A Third of the Size

The new PS5 Slim is a game-changer in terms of size. It is a third smaller than the original model, offering a more compact and sleek design. This is a major improvement for those who found the original PlayStation 5 to be too bulky.

Rumors Confirmed

Speculations about a new PS5 model have been circulating for some time, and now they have been confirmed. Microsoft's court documents in July hinted at the release of the PS5 Slim by the end of the year. Then, in August, a video surfaced showing a new PS5 shell, which has now been confirmed as the PS5 Slim case.

Improved Design

The design of the PS5 Slim is similar to the original, but it addresses several issues that players had with the previous version. The smaller size and lighter weight make it more convenient and portable.

Exciting New Feature

What has fans most excited is the new detachable disc drive. The rumors about this addition have proven to be true. Players can choose to purchase either the digital-only version or the one that comes with a disc drive. And here's the best part – if you buy the digital version now, you can upgrade to the disc-based version later by purchasing and attaching the disc drive to your system.

Pricing Controversy

Pricing has become a hot topic among PlayStation fans. While the disc-based version maintains the original price point of £479 ($499), the digital version has seen a price increase to £389 ($449). Additionally, the stand to store your PS5 vertically will cost an extra £25 ($29), whereas it was included in the original version. Some fans have expressed disappointment at the price increase, especially since there have been recent price drops on PS5 models.

Limited Availability

Sony has announced that once the original PS5 models sell out, they will not be producing more. This means that the Slim model will be the only one available in the future.

Pre-orders Now Open

Pre-orders for the PS5 Slim have already begun, and the first units are expected to arrive in November. If you want to learn more about the new PS5 Slim model, head over to the official PlayStation Blog.