Discover the £3 Hack to Keep Mould Away and Save on Energy Bills


A Simple Trick to Stay Warm This Winter

Homeowners are discovering a £3 hack that not only keeps them warm during the freezing temperatures but also helps prevent mould. Cleaning expert Nancy Emery recommends using an insulation film from Amazon as an effective way to reduce heat loss and improve insulation. By applying the film directly to windows, homeowners can create a still air layer that is half an inch thick, reducing the risk of mould and mildew build-up. Additionally, this hack helps to stop heat from escaping through tiny draughts, resulting in lower energy bills.

How it Works

The window insulation film is a thin plastic film that can be shrunk around the glass using a hairdryer or attached to the window ledge with pressure sensitive tape. It not only reduces heat loss but also limits condensation, making it an ideal solution for keeping homes warm and mould-free. However, homeowners should ensure they select the correct size of film for their windows to achieve optimal results.

Keep Warm Without Compromising Ventilation

If homeowners are avoiding opening windows to retain warmth, cleaning expert Nancy Emery suggests using a ventilator to get rid of bad smells. Opening windows for ventilation can lead to quick heat loss, making it difficult and slow to reheat during winter months. By using a ventilator, homeowners can maintain good air circulation without sacrificing warmth.

More Hacks to Save on Energy Bills

A heating expert has revealed four additional hacks to save money this winter while keeping homes warm. Switching off "vampire" appliances and putting water in the fridge are among the unconventional methods suggested by technology journalist and TV presenter Georgie Barrat. These hacks can help homeowners reduce energy consumption and lower their bills.

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