Four Tips to Forage and Enjoy Blackberries for Free


Get Your Foraging Gear Ready

It's blackberry season, which means it's time to head out and find those juicy treats in the hedgerows. Before you go, make sure to bring a lidded sandwich box to store your picks. Remember to avoid busy roads, low branches, private land, and making money off your haul. But go ahead and enjoy them without spending a penny!

Forage and Freeze for Later

While fresh blackberries can last a day or two, you can also freeze them for later use. Just wash them well with cold water, soak them in saltwater to get rid of any bugs, rinse again, and pat dry. Freeze them flat, transfer to a freezer bag, and keep them until you're ready to use. You can also stew, puree, and freeze them to add to puddings or porridge.

Delicious Desserts with Blackberries

Blackberries are perfect for making classic desserts like blackberry and apple crumble or substituting strawberries in an Eton mess. They also work well in cakes, cheesecakes, smoothies, muffins, and can even be used in savory dishes like blackberry sauce for gamey meats or braised with red cabbage.

Preserve the Flavor

Don't let those blackberries go to waste. Make blackberry wine, liqueur, or jam with just a few ingredients. Find the recipe for blackberry jam at, and get creative with preserving their flavor in other ways.

Remember to enjoy these free nature's treats while being mindful of your surroundings and following any local regulations. Happy foraging!

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