‘Mystery shopping’ side hustle earns UK woman thousands and freebies


Ashley Pearce's secret side hustle

Ashley Pearce, a careers adviser and mother of two, has made over £6,000 in the past decade as a mystery shopper. She receives perks such as free hotel stays, posh dinners, free fuel, and even a tenner at Aldi or Waitrose while providing research data for top mystery shopping agencies.

Earning cash and freebies

Pearce utilizes her mystery shopping skills to afford treats and even help with mortgage payments. She describes the experience as feeling like a 007 mummy snooper and explains that mystery shopping fits perfectly into her schedule, allowing her to shop on the sly during the school run.

The popularity of mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is a growing industry in the UK, with approximately 50,000 mystery shopping trips taking place each month. According to Esomar Global Market Research, the sector has a turnover of £6.6 billion, making it a lucrative option for those seeking a side hustle.

The perks of being a mystery shopper

Pearce highlights the benefits of mystery shopping, including receiving a brief for each job and being able to choose which tasks to accept. She has used her earnings to pay for holidays, hotel stays, and family outings. She also mentions that mystery shopping apps are now widely used by companies, making it easier for shoppers to select tasks and upload reports.

Tips for aspiring mystery shoppers

Pearce recommends signing up with multiple mystery shopping apps and websites to have a range of jobs to choose from. She advises being consistent and reliable in completing tasks and emphasizes the importance of following instructions and uploading reports on time. Subtly taking photos and maintaining a cover are also crucial skills for successful mystery shoppers.

Overall, Pearce believes that mystery shopping is a fun way to earn extra cash and obtain freebies, making it a worthwhile endeavor for anyone looking to add some excitement and financial gain to their daily routine.