Savvy Mum Saves £200 a Year on Energy Bills with Clever Tricks


Turning Off the Oven and Embracing the Air Fryer

A savvy mum-of-two from Hampshire has found a clever way to cut £200 off her annual household bills. Bryony Lewis, an entrepreneur and busy mum, decided to ditch her energy-guzzling oven and switch to using an air fryer instead. Not only does this save money, but it's also faster and more efficient. Bryony now spends less than £2 a week on the air fryer, saving £200 compared to using the oven.

Using a Log Burner Instead of Central Heating

Bryony didn't stop at the air fryer. She also made another smart move to save on energy costs. She had a log burner installed, which reduced her reliance on gas central heating. The log burner cost £800, and the family spent just £85 on logs, kindling, and firelighters for the whole winter season. This compares to hundreds of pounds spent on central heating bills. The log burner was able to heat the entire downstairs of the house, allowing them to use the central heating sparingly, usually only for an hour per day.

Smart Meter Helps Identify Energy Guzzlers

Bryony used a smart meter to identify the appliances in her home that were using the most energy and driving up her bills. She found that the electric oven and gas central heating were the worst culprits. Armed with this knowledge, she set out to find alternatives that would lower their energy consumption and save money.

Air Fryer Vs. Oven: The Cost Comparison

According to Uswitch, it costs around 60p to run a 2kw oven for an hour. In contrast, Bryony found that using a 1.4kw air fryer for 20 minutes costs just 14p. Since the air fryer is faster, the family only uses it for about three to four hours a week, resulting in a yearly cost of under £100. This is a significant saving of £200 compared to using the oven.

Log Burner Vs. Gas Central Heating: The Savings Are Real

Figures from Uswitch show that households with gas central heating spend around £400 for three months of heating. By using the log burner and central heating sparingly, Bryony was able to reduce her heating costs to just £85 for the entire winter season. This is a huge saving that adds up over the years.

The Verdict: Two Clever Tricks, Big Savings

Bryony Lewis has proven that small changes can lead to big savings on energy bills. By using an air fryer instead of an oven and relying on a log burner instead of gas central heating, she has saved £200 a year. These simple and cost-effective tricks are worth considering for anyone looking to reduce their household expenses and live more sustainably.