The Extreme Money-Saving Tactics Brits Are Resorting To


Tea Bag Recycling and Other Unconventional Methods

According to a recent survey, cash-strapped individuals are reusing tea bags by hanging them out to dry. More than one in ten Brits have resorted to this measure to cut costs in the face of the ongoing cost of living crisis.

From DIY Haircuts to Cereal for Dinner

As 7.4 million Brits struggle to make ends meet, some are cutting their own hair, swiping ketchup sachets from restaurants, and even having breakfast cereals for dinner to save money. A significant number mix random items from their cupboards to create budget-friendly meals.

Creative Cost-Cutting Approaches

Aside from tea bag recycling, other money-saving tactics revealed in the survey include diluting shampoo and conditioner, taking toiletries from hotel stays, and even sniffing dirty clothes to extend wearability. Interestingly, some individuals have resorted to coloring holes on shoes and reducing toilet flushes to once a day.

An Increase in Resourcefulness

With 80% of respondents admitting to trying at least one money-saving tactic, Anita Naik from noted, "It shows people are getting more creative with the ways in which they save money."

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