Unibond Aero 360 Device Absorbs Moisture and Odours to Prevent Mould Build-up

MOULD NO MORE 'The best' mould-banishing gadget EVER has shoppers losing their minds as they discover its cheapest price yet https://www.screwfix.com/p/unibond-aero-360-moisture-absorber-0-924ltr/791XR?tc=IC5&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlC1BMf7f4b7_A9bV6TKYAQD4FKgunK9dPsohFd8ie1Tj93PJjXsJT9xoCK_cQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Get Excited: A Device That Creates a Comfortable Indoor Climate

Shoppers are buzzing about the Unibond Aero 360, a device that claims to absorb moisture and neutralize odours, preventing the build-up of mould and musty smells. Available at Screwfix for just £9.79, this device is a game-changer.

No More Dampness: How Does it Work?

The Unibond Aero 360 uses 360° air circulation to effectively absorb moisture and odours. With its silent operation and no need for power, this device can be placed anywhere in your home.

Lasts for 3 Months: Suitable for Rooms up to 20m²

The Unibond Aero 360 is designed to last for three months and is suitable for rooms up to 20m². Say goodbye to dampness and hello to a comfortable indoor climate.

Unbeatable Price: Exclusive Deal at Screwfix

Screwfix is currently selling the Unibond Aero for less than £10, while other retailers like Tesco and Amazon charge a whopping £16. Don't miss out on this amazing deal!

Positive Reviews: Customers Love the Unibond Aero 360

Customers have been raving about the Unibond Aero 360, leaving 5-star reviews on Screwfix's online page. One customer said, "Amazing how much water it has collected in 1 day," while another praised its effectiveness in preventing condensation marks on walls.

Not for Everyone: Some Customers Left Disappointed

While the majority of customers have been thrilled with the Unibond Aero 360, there have been a few negative reviews. One customer found it "absolutely useless" in dealing with condensation, while another felt the need to invest in a dehumidifier.

Expert Advice: Prevent Mould for Just £1

A cleaning expert suggests a simple and affordable way to prevent mould from entering your house. Find out how you can protect your home for just £1.

Say Goodbye to Mould: Four Steps to a Mould-Free Home

Don't let mould take over your home. Follow these four steps to eliminate mould and keep your home fresh and clean.

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