Brexit has not impacted UK’s intelligence sharing with other countries, says parliamentary watchdog


The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has stated that Brexit has not had a negative impact on how the UK shares secret spy information with other countries. Despite initial concerns that Brexit could lead to reduced cooperation and weakened security ties with European nations, the ISC's report reveals that intelligence co-operation between the UK and EU member states remains unaffected.

Reassurance amidst concerns

Former US President Barack Obama and other top figures had warned before the 2016 referendum that intelligence-sharing and counterterrorism would be more effective if the UK remained in the EU. However, the ISC's report offers reassurance that these concerns have not materialized.

Intelligence activities outside EU structures

The committee acknowledges that the lack of impact is largely due to the fact that intelligence activities with European counterparts have always taken place outside EU structures. It also highlights that disagreements on other matters have not affected national security.

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