Covid Inquiry Accused of Turning into a “Soap Opera” by Tory MPs


MPs Criticize Inquiry's Lack of Vital Questions

Tory MPs are voicing concerns that the Covid inquiry is failing to ask important questions and instead descending into an anti-Government whitewash. They argue that the inquiry has become a public slanging match among key figures in Boris Johnson’s Downing Street, with too much focus on personality conflicts rather than the science behind the decisions made in 2020.

Soap Opera Comparison Draws Attention

MP Paul Bristow compared the inquiry to a soap opera, rivaling the drama of EastEnders. He expressed concern that this serious issue is being treated as entertainment and urged for a thorough investigation instead of a liberal whitewash.

Accusations of Misogyny and Political Bias

Former top civil servant Helen MacNamara described Downing Street as misogynistic and macho in her evidence last week. Additionally, former No10 aide Dominic Cummings faced criticism for sending potty-mouthed texts to colleagues, leading to accusations of sexism. Tory chairman of the Health Select Committee, Steve Brine, expressed his fear that the inquiry has become more interested in political titillation than in analyzing the handling of the pandemic and learning important lessons for the future. This sentiment was echoed by former minister Mark Francois, who argued that the inquiry is developing its own agenda that is pro-lockdown and anti-Government.

Families Deserve Better

The lack of focus on crucial matters and the emphasis on political drama is a source of renewed sadness for bereaved families. They believe that the inquiry should prioritize a thorough examination of the government's response to the pandemic.

Looking Ahead

More ex-Downing Street aides are set to testify at the inquiry this week, shedding further light on the decisions made during the pandemic.