Labour to Impose VAT on Private School Fees if Elected, Raising £1.7 Billion for State Schools


Labour to Introduce VAT on Private School Fees

Labour has announced plans to impose VAT on private school fees within a year if it wins the next election. The party, led by Sir Keir Starmer, intends to raise £1.7 billion for state schools through this measure, without phasing in the VAT fee over several academic years.

Concerns Raised by Education Secretary

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has warned that implementing VAT on private school fees could lead to the closure of some private schools and put pressure on the state sector. The move has been criticized by Tory MP Nicola Richards as "tax on aspiration, classic Labour."

Labour's Focus on State School Standards

A spokesperson for the Labour party defended the decision, stating that the party's relentless focus remains on driving high and rising standards in state schools. Labour makes no apologies for prioritizing the improvement of state education.