Labour’s Rachel and Ellie Reeves Aim to Make History as First Sisters in Cabinet


Rachel and Ellie Reeves of the Labour party are on a mission to make history by becoming the first sisters to sit in the Cabinet, should Labour win the keys to power. The Reeves, who are both frontbenchers in the party, are determined to work closely together to support Sir Keir Starmer's bid to become the next Prime Minister.

Sisters with a Strong Bond

Rachel and Ellie Reeves share a strong personal and professional bond, considering themselves lucky to have each other. Unlike some well-known political sibling rivalries, the Reeves are not only sisters but also best friends. They have supported each other through various life events and share a common vision for Labour's future.

Labour's Secret Weapon?

With Rachel serving as Shadow Chancellor and Ellie as the election strategist, the Reeves sisters could potentially be Labour's secret weapon in the upcoming political battles. Their unity and shared goals could play a crucial role in shaping the party's economic policies and campaign strategies.

From Humble Beginnings to Political Heights

The Reeves sisters, who hail from a working-class background in London, have come a long way from their days at a comprehensive school to their current positions in the shadow cabinet. Their journey reflects a story of perseverance and determination, breaking barriers along the way.

Aiming for the Top

As the general election looms closer, Rachel and Ellie are focused on key issues such as the economy, cost of living crisis, and public finances. They emphasize the importance of earning voters' trust, especially among key demographics like Sun readers. The sisters are determined to lead Labour to victory and bring about positive change for the country.

Smashing Glass Ceilings

Rachel Reeves envisions breaking barriers by becoming the first woman Chancellor of the Exchequer if Labour wins the election. She is determined to shatter the glass ceiling and make history in the male-dominated field of economic leadership. The Reeves sisters are poised to make their mark on British politics and pave the way for future generations of women leaders.

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