PS5 Mistakes to Avoid: Protect Your Console and Optimize Storage


Avoid these three common PS5 mistakes that can lead to overheating, wasted storage, and missed updates.

Wrong Place!

Ensure proper ventilation for your PS5 to prevent overheating and potential fires. Avoid playing in a cramped TV cabinet. Sony warns against using the console in a closed cabinet or any location where heat can build up. If your console gets too hot, you'll receive a notification. Turn off the console and wait until it cools down before resuming use.

Wasted Storage

Save valuable storage space by disabling the automatic 15-second 4K video capture when earning a Trophy. To turn off this feature, go to Settings > Captures and Broadcasts > Auto-Captures > Trophies. Additionally, consider deleting Astro's Playroom if you've already completed it or don't plan to play it soon. This can free up nearly 11GB of space, and you can reinstall it for free in the future if desired.

Not Using Rest Mode

Make the most of Rest Mode on your PS5 to ensure seamless updates and avoid waiting times. Enable automatic system software updates in Settings > System > System Software Update and Settings. Turn on Automatic Updates for your games in Settings > Saved Data and Game Settings. Lastly, configure the correct download settings in Settings > System > Power Saving > Features > Available in Rest Mode. Choose Rest Mode instead of fully powering off your console to allow updates to happen while conserving electricity.

By avoiding these PS5 mistakes, you can protect your console, optimize storage, and enjoy uninterrupted gaming.