British Couple Gives Up Dream Life Abroad to Buy UK House Without Seeing It


Leaving Behind their Idyllic Life in France

A couple in their sixties, Jez and Julie, made the difficult decision to leave their picturesque farmhouse in Brittany, France, and move back to the UK. Despite enjoying their rural life abroad, they yearned to be closer to their friends and family, especially during the global pandemic.

Buying a Home in Scunthorpe Sight Unseen

Due to travel restrictions, Jez and Julie had to rely solely on pictures when purchasing their new home in Scunthorpe. With the help of money inherited from Jez's parents, the couple made the decision to buy the house without physically viewing it first.

Regret and Surprise upon Arrival

When Jez and Julie finally visited their new home in April 2021, they were shocked and disappointed. Jez described the experience as "traumatic" and immediately regretted their decision. The house, although on a pleasant street, was not what they had imagined.

Changes and Unmet Expectations

According to Jez, their 20 years in France had shielded them from the drastic societal changes that had occurred in the UK. He explained that Britain's transition to a 24-hour society and the altered landscape caught them off guard. The couple realized that their idealized vision of their home country did not align with reality.

A Lesson Learned

Despite their disappointment, Jez and Julie moved on and found another house more suited to their preferences. Jez emphatically stated that he would never repeat the experience and hoped they would never be forced into such a decision again.

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