From dressing up dogs to shedding snakes: Pet queries answered by top vet


Expert advice for pet owners

Sean, the head vet at, has been answering pet owners' questions for ten years. Whether it's about your pet's behavior, nutrition, or exercise, Sean is here to help keep pets happy and healthy.

Should you dress up your dog?

One pet owner asks if it's a good idea to dress up their pug for the festive season. Sean's response? He's not a fan. While functional clothing like coats for bad weather can be helpful, Sean doesn't see the point in dressing up dogs for fashion purposes. He also raises concerns about flat-faced breeds like pugs, who may have difficulty cooling themselves down in clothing. Instead, Sean suggests investing in interactive games and puzzle toys for your furry friend.

What does it mean when a cat purrs?

A cat owner wonders why their eight-year-old cat has been purring more often. Sean explains that purring can indicate contentment, but it's not always a happy sign. Cats may purr when they are in pain, discomfort, or feeling stressed. Purring releases endorphins and can act as a soothing mechanism. So as long as your cat is in good health, enjoy the buzz!

Why does my snake shed its skin so often?

A snake owner is curious about their snake's frequent shedding. Sean assures them that it's perfectly normal, especially for young, growing snakes. Factors like species, age, and season can also play a role. However, Sean advises checking for snake mites, as they can cause more frequent shedding. If mites are found, consult with a vet or reptile specialist for treatment advice.

How to deter a dog from jumping on a trampoline

A dog owner seeks advice on how to stop their dog from jumping on the family trampoline. Sean questions why they would want to deter their dog in the first place. If the dog isn't causing harm or danger, Sean suggests letting them enjoy the activity that brings them stimulation and fun. So bounce away, Oakley!

Star of the week: Arthur the Sphynx cat

Meet Arthur, a two-year-old Sphynx cat who brought joy to a family after they lost their first cat. Despite being hairless, Arthur quickly mended the broken hearts of two young girls. He's known for his mischievous behavior, like trying to steal spaghetti bolognese off people's plates.

Ukraine pets given a helping hand

In Ukraine, animal-loving individuals are giving homes to pets affected by war. The U-Hearts Foundation supports these efforts by providing animal aid and food donations. Volunteers from various walks of life are stepping up to care for pets left behind by residents forced to flee. Donations are needed to continue their work, especially during the dangerous winter season for pets.

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