The 6 most common energy mistakes adding £800 to your bills – and my tips to fix them


Don't leave your heating on low all day – £150

Leaving your heating on all day may seem like a cost-effective solution, but according to heating expert Nicholas Auckland, it's a complete myth. In fact, it could add around £150 to your annual energy bill. The most energy-efficient way to keep warm is to program your heating system to come on when you need it most and adjust the temperature controls on your radiators to only warm up the rooms you use.

Having inadequate insulation – £200

Poor insulation can lead to overpaying on heating bills by as much as £200. Heat can escape through walls and floors, resulting in higher energy consumption. To prevent this, consider setting up draught excluders, using draught-proofing tape, and investing in thermal curtains. Adding an extra layer to the floor, such as a rug or carpet, can also help prevent heat loss.

Keeping outdated appliances – £100s

Using old, outdated appliances can significantly increase your energy consumption and add hundreds of pounds to your bill. Energy inefficient boilers, fridges, and other major appliances can contribute to around 40% of your energy bills. Consider checking the energy efficiency rating of any appliance you buy and opt for more efficient options ranked from A to G.

Leaving appliances on standby – £100

Leaving appliances on standby mode could cost you around £100 a year. Even when not in use, items like TVs and game consoles continue to consume energy. To save on energy bills, make sure to turn off appliances completely instead of leaving them on standby mode.

Using excessive hot water – £140

Using excessive hot water can significantly increase your energy bill. Cutting down on long showers and baths can save around £35 per person per year. Heating water accounts for a quarter of a household's energy bill, so minimizing hot water usage can lead to substantial savings.

Not closing doors to rooms – £90

Leaving internal doors open can result in wasted heating and higher energy bills. By closing doors to rooms you're not using, you can save around 5% on your energy bills. This simple step can help maintain the right temperature without needing to turn up the heating.

Overall, by avoiding these common energy mistakes, you could save up to £800 on your annual energy bills. Additionally, there are other ways to save on energy costs, such as using energy-saving appliances, switching to LED light bulbs, and taking advantage of vouchers and cash grants offered by energy providers and local authorities.

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