Millions of Brits Urged to Claim Unclaimed Funds Worth £1,000s


Child Trust Funds: A Hidden Fortune

An estimated £89 billion in unclaimed funds is sitting in around 28 million accounts, including £1.7 billion in lost Child Trust Funds.

How to Trace Missing Child Trust Fund

Free services like Share Found can help you track down your unclaimed funds. Avoid websites that charge for these services. Access the money when you turn 18 and consider transferring it to an ISA or Lifetime ISA for a wise investment.

Lost Pensions: Are You Missing Out?

More than 2.8 million missing pension pots are unclaimed, with an average of £23,000 in each account. Use the government's pension tracing service to locate your lost pensions and potentially recover life-changing amounts of money.

Expert Advice for Claiming Your Cash

Experts advise keeping track of your pension paperwork and utilizing annual statements from companies. Seek help from the government's pension tracing service to locate both private and workplace pensions. Don't miss out on funds that rightfully belong to you.

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